About ssl.wiki

Who created this website ?

This website is created by Sidharth R from India. You can visit my website sid.one to know more about me.

What motivated you to create this ?

Usually the perception about ssl is that it is difficult to set up & costly. I wanted to eradicate these stereotypes & share with the developer community, ways of obtaining SSL certificates for free.

My primary motive behind this is my belief that, in today’s world encryption should be a fundamental right & nobody should be paying for it. Amidst the increasing number of cyber security threats, espionage by governments etc. it becomes even more necessary that in order to avoid MITM & other attacks, web developers must encrypt all the traffic to their website.

Is this a solo project ?

Yes it is. I take care of the web design & the content writing as well. If you are interested in helping me in any manner, you can email me at hi@sid.one.

Anyone whom you would like to thank ?

I would be failing in my duty, if I don’t thank Andrew Merriam for accepting my vision & helping me getting stated with this website.